Benchtop Large Capacity Refrigerated Centrifuge NEUHC15

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1.Adopt advanced CPU control system to realize microprocessor control of rotate speed, temperature and RCF.
2.Maintenance-free frequency conversion motor can prevent over-speed operation.
3.With imported freon-free refrigeration system operating, for the purpose of environment protection.
4.With protection from over speed, over temperature, imbalance and protection of automatic electronic
or mechanical lock, to ensure the safety of operators and machines.


Display: LCD display; Digital display
Max Speed:5000r/min
Max RCF:4390xg
Max Capacity:6x500ml
Temp range:-20°C~+40°C
Temp Accuracy:±1°C
Timer Range:0-99min
Motor: Microprocessor control, Frequency conversion motor
Noise:≤ 60dB (A)
Power Supply:AC220V&110V 50HZ 10A
Dimension:830*750*480mm (LxWxH)
Net Weight:150kg



Benchtop Large Capacity Refrigerated Centrifuge NEUHC15